A little late for a New Year's resolution, but I wanted to get the show on the road none the less. I had a great Holiday season, a good bit of time off work, some quality family and friend time, and some down time for just me. Some of which was spent looking back through my annals of blog entries. And it was good to see a bit of my journey since 2010. If I do say so myself, I believe there's some good stuff there. Check that.... I KNOW there's some good stuff there. Maybe the "good stuff" is writer (THIS writer) -directed content. And I know its good...for me.
Which brings me to a New Year's declaration. This year I want to:
While I will never (on this earth) fully know the mind of God and His Providence. And there is such an existential quality to faith in God, His Son, and His Spirit, that sometimes what I know will be something I don't understand, or even want to hear. But I want to know more. Through study, experience, and trust.
Words mean things. Attitude and activity mean more.
To my knees. Seeking more of and about God, and in-turn, myself. Being vulnerable. And perhaps failing.
I started last year with a semi-ambiguous resolution New Year's Evolution, and have found that acted upon, faith-followed, intentions happen.
I know there are some things ahead that will challenge, discourage, and cause pain, from all of the above. Additionally, there will be joy, fulfillment, and self-discovery.
10 days in. Here we go.