Today I have no noise from Nickelodeon. My wife and the boys have snuck out of town for a few days. This provides me, not only time to crank out a ton of work, but to have some rare time to myself. So last night I enjoyed a few fine ales and fine conversation with a good friend and a new acquaintance. A conversation topic was this clutter of technology and constant entertainment—the "Sponge Bob Effect"—and its affect on our kids. Not that technology, etc. is altogether bad—frankly, it can be a great thing. But I know there is a need for parents to carve out time for themselves and time with the kids (or time for the kids themselves)—away from the iPods, workloads, Nickelodeon, etc. I am glad my wife has carved some out.
I have started a new book. Shaped By God by Max Lucado. Having read the first bit seems like its gonna speak wonders and provide me a lot of "I wonders". Last week I finished Donald Miller's A Million Miles in a Thousand Years. Miller's book has, and from the looks of it, Lucado's will really challenge me and my life. A Million Miles looks at the "story" of one's life. Asking if we are living a challenging, exciting, wonderful, scary, motivating, etc. life-story. Shaped, I believe, will be taking those deep life-story questions even deeper.

Along with, and alongside my wife, I've got to silence Sponge Bob and bring myself, my family and my story to a greater and greater place. To get there, these are some important factors I must continuously nourish:
- My wife and our relationship
- A close and honoring conversation with God
- The wisdom, relationship and support of friends and the body of Christ
- Consistent time in the Word
- Open ears
- A gracious heart
- A gracious tongue
- A servant heart
- Availability
My prayer is that I remember these things daily and don't get caught up in my own life clamor.
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