I am confident we've all seen a "Friend", or moreover ourselves, provide some sort of a drop-and-run pronouncement about a controversial issue, exploit someone else's failure or looks, or slander someone's character because their opinion or lifestyle is different than ours.
It is a rarity to find someone who is willing to hold the mirror up to themselves each day. Take a long hard look. Then honestly and publicly declare what they see.
I applaud Kee's transparency and zeal. I challenge my own.
I will look at myself honestly. Unpeel the onion as to the "why" within my decisions, actions and declarations. And ask God to encourage or reprimand me (though I honestly don't want the reprimand). For it is Him that I desire to serve with all I say and do. "May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer." - Psalm 19:14. DECLARE SOMETHING TODAY!!!
Go to Declare Something Today's Facebook page and make a self declaration today. Or for more on Stephen Kee and the Declarative Community visit Kee 2 Life.
This a very interesting review for Mr Kee's book can not wait to read it.