Friday, August 31, 2012

Serious Fun

In an old sermon, after commenting on the immorality of the human soul, C.S. Lewis stated "This does not mean we are to be perpetually solemn. We must play. But our merriment must be of that kind (and it is, in fact, the merriest kind) which exit between people who have, from the outset, taken each other seriously."

As I can recall, the greatest times in my life have come alongside those closest to me. I remember a time early in the relationship with my wife. Sitting next to her, perched on a toilet (closed), watching her blow dry her hair. Now if you knew my wife, and her hair, this can be a time consuming affair. Anyway, she's standing there, the dryer is screaming away, and I proceed to make faces in the mirror. Stupid faces. Goofy faces. This is making her laugh, and I am finding it pretty amusing myself. These faces put the workings of my facial muscles to the test. I actually awoke the next morning a little sore. Seriously. My face was sore from making stupid faces.

This silliness could only be appreciated by someone who loves me a lot. Her eyes looked at me in the mirror not with a "look at this idiot", but rather an "I love this nut".

You see she loves me. She knows me. And this is a springboard for many things. But one of the best is fun.

While Faith is a serious business, don't let It's gravity be the end all be all. Surely there are seasons of desert and solemnity, and foundational rights and wrongs. But let's not be too overbearing. Like Lewis shared, if we understand the severity and seriousness of our life, and our Beliefs, it sure gives a lot of foundation for joy and fun. Or at least it should.

Joy can be serious business.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Donkeys and Elephants and We, Oh My

I have been watching the Republican National Convention. This coupled with the onslaught of far left and far right broadcast and social media propaganda and opinion has gotten me quite frustrated. Frustrated more in the people, than the process.

The other day a Yahoo reporter was fired for stating that Mitt and Ann Romney are "happy to have a party with black people drowning" (apparently he didn't realize his microphone was on). And Chris Christie's "the educational savages will only put themselves ahead of children". Really?

We are incensed as a nation. We are pissed off at "them". And the fact that "they" hate what we love. And "they" are so "greedy. And they are so "lazy". And that's just the mainstream media (yes, mainstream, Fox News. You are a part of "them").

The status update anger on Facebook is seething, and will only get worse through the election. I shake my head, and while I'd like to share my opinion (as narrow as it may be), I hold off from commenting. I DON'T want to be a part of the rhetoric. I don't want to say or write. I want to do.

I watched a George HW Bush bio piece, and really was drawn to his "thousand points of light" thinking. Say what you will, but this guy who I am sure received his fair share of lambast, had a great heart for people, and was really on to something. What if we all did and didn't say. What if we all served instead of held. What if we worked instead of sat. What if we shared instead of told. What if we listened instead of walled.

"Then Jesus said to them, "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's" And they were amazed at him (Mark 12:17).

What if we recognized what is God's and treated it accordingly?

“‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” (Matt 22:37-40)

What if we lived these out and hung on them?

The reality is that there's a ton...a mountain...a world of national dept. The reality is there are a ton....a mountain....a world of undereducated and less fortuned. And tons, mountains and worlds of so ons. Lets ensure we're not pointing out the specs in eyes, and doing what we can do.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Chicken Sandwich in a Pickle

There's been a lot of back and forth about Chick-fil-A and Dan Cathy's views on gay marriage. It is as hot a topic and as divisive an issue as there is today. And to be honest, I am not 100% sure of my stance.  As most know who've read my blogs before, I can be a bit of a Jesus or church guy. Perhaps I should dig deeper on this issue in the good book.

I just hope that as we status update or discuss, when we look in mirrors and examine ourselves before pontificating or protesting.

I do know that the more black people I meet, spend time with, converse with, through love, makes me realize that I don't know as much about black people as I thought I did. Conversely, I also uncover the lack of difference. Perhaps I need more gay friends.

I believe God can and does handle a lot more than people give Him credit for. I also believe all to often we think God is on our team. But His Providence is larger than ours. And most likely is different than what we think it is. Or ought to be.

Let our offense be love.