Monday, November 29, 2010

Grind? Really.

The first day back after a long weekend is always a tough one. After few days away from the office—time with family and friends, and a good bit of rest—dialing back into the grind of work is not always an easy thing to do. My first born didn't even want me to mention the word "school" yesterday. And I don't think I am quite ready to think about marketing, retail communication, and design.

I have a friend that had a death in his family over the Thanksgiving weekend. May God be with him and his family, provide a new-found peace, and may they be surrounded with support and love.

Life is a lot more than we often consider. May I keep a good perspective on what a grind really is. And hold an awareness of a bigger picture than my own.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Whack Friday

So this morning after the meal (Thanksgiving that is), I am sufficiently still full. And frankly a little remorseful. What was started as some settlers thanking God for their bountiful harvest and sharing a time of peace with their new neighbors (my early AM understanding of it’s origin)—has turned into a glutenous celebration of food, family, and football. Nothing against the three “Fs”. I am a big fan. But you know what I mean.

I did enjoy a marvelous meal with my folks, some in-laws, my wife and kids. We did thank God for what we have and played a dinnertable game to offer additional thanks—and I am deeply thankful for a lot. But I gotta tell ya, this morning after the meal, as I sit in an Atlanta Bread Company, still belly full, watching the cars tear around and fill up the Kohl’s parking center for pre-dawn sales opportunities, I am quite in a contemplative mood.

First of all, why do we eat so much? I’ve heard that we get three days worth of our optimal caloric intake in the span of three hours. When do our appetites say “uncle”? And even when they do, why do we override that voice?

Secondly, when did we decide that we need to grab another day (all 24 hours of it) after this feast to shop? I don’t understand this experience. Perhaps its to simply save a few bucks—perhaps its simply the lunacy associated with it. However, it does seem a nauseatingly appropriate activity for our society and culture. Why not spend a day eating and sitting around, then go and buy a bunch of stuff for ourselves or those really close to us. Probably a lot of which is using credit (you know, the money that we don’t even have). You could argue that the gift is in the giving, but I really doubt the legitimacy of a lot of that speak. Its to get the stuff, y’all.

Then there is the stress. Some of which comes from our internal battle to rationalize or justify our glutenous behavior—after all, we’ve earned this money. Some of which comes from our self indulgent desire to have our kids have what other kids have. Or ourselves having what the Jones’ have. And not being perceived as less than, or unthankful in our gifting.

What if this Holiday Season we focused outside of ourselves. What if we took the money designated to our kids and told them that we were gonna use it to help a couple of children stay alive and eat for a year. Or that we were gonna help keep some young preteen girls from being sold into the sex slave market. Or that we were gonna help find a cure for childhood cancer. Or that we really don’t have the kind of money to buy all of the stuff.

What if this Holiday Season we focused on Jesus. The God/man who had ownership on true perspective. The One who could answer all of the “whys” that we ask. The One who provided the ultimate example of gift giving.

What if this became a season of appetite control, sacrifice and honor due. Clearly, I am no shining star in the battle to overcome appetite and don’t continually give sacrificially. I fall way short. But with God’s help, and and as I consider Him and His desires for me, and respond to that help and consideration, I can move further that way.

"Therefore, with minds that are alert and fully sober, set your hope on the grace to be brought to you when Jesus Christ is revealed at his coming. As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance. But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: “Be holy, because I am holy.” " 1 Peter 1:13-16

Of course there are exceptional folks who are exceptions to some generalizations above, but I think you know where I am coming from....

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The Art of Art

There's a young guy at Quick Trip that has the early shift. Outside of the "thank you see you soon" type of communication that you receive at every quick trip, he wished me "Have a great Thanksgiving". This guy is consistent. I see him a good deal of mornings when I stop in for a knock-off Red Bull. He is always pleasant. And even memorable.

Seth Godin would call this art. How we do things. Not why or for what we do things, but simply how. Particularly the little things.

I believe this takes a simplification mentality, a self-awareness, and an honest desire to make the world a better place. Clearly there are things which influence our abilities to do this. Our beliefs, attitudes, and energy play key roles.

You could argue I was an artist by trade, but that is what I do. It's when we apply art to what we do—and perhaps more particularly, the moments we do—that makes it more meaningful, and arguably more impactful. I think I'd rather be known for my art. Might I create art today.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


"Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful." Colossians 3:15

I am thankful for:
  • Each day being new
  • Forgiveness
  • A wife who loves me, listens to me and I get to love!
  • Children to love and influence
  • Friends of all styles, shapes and sizes
  • A Savior
  • Perspective
  • A steady paycheck
  • The little things
  • A voice
  • Gratitude
  • The ability to change
  • Joy in pain
  • Example and influence
  • The Word of God
  • Good music and song
  • Laughter
  • Community
  • Discovery
  • The glory of nature
  • Expression
  • Giving
  • Learning
  • Course correction
  • Folks who put up with me—warts and all
  • A good book
  • A nice India Pale Ale
  • And more...

Not necessarily in that order :)

Monday, November 15, 2010

Another Angel

Well, another Rally Kid is now with her Creator. Hailey Trainer passed away on Sunday morning. She was the oldest living survivor of her form of solid brain tumor. Oldest at some 2.5 years. I wrote about her a few of months ago (Not Again). Once again the questions of "why" will plague many around Hailey. At this point, logic flees. Certainly you could put a clinical hat on and explain the effect of cancer, but many of us are not that clinical. But logic escapes. In any sort of place where logic resided it is replaced. Replaced with grief, anger, sorrow, faith, peace, frustration, clinging, support, escapism, compassion, sympathy, confusion and understanding.

We were discussing pain and suffering the other day in a class. We talked about how we can very easily throw a well intentioned Bible verse out with the hope to help provide some support and clarity. All too often, that doesn't help much for the recipient of said verse. I don't think we can ever fully understand the ways and means of God. Not here. Not now.

"Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written." - John 21:25

Please pray for the Trainer family once again. Their perspective and receipt of God's grace has been amazing to experience.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Open Wide

Clearly there are many things which can influence our behavior. And additionally a link between our behavior and impulse reactions.
  • What occupies our thoughts?
  • What do we consider when we steal our heads away from the noise of society and media?
  • What are the influences in our decision making?
If we answer these quickly and authentically, it can paint a snapshot of how we respond, converse, or behave.

We need to examine ourselves often. To be inward focused. I am not talking selfishness. But honestly looking at ourselves and and seeing what truly motivates us, and how those motivators express themselves and are lived out. Lived out in the things we say. The things we own. The things we do with our time. The things we do with our money. Perhaps self examination is an exercise we should all perform frequently. All too often we don't. It can be like going to the dentist.

I went through a long period of time during and post college where I'd neglected my dental visits. Needless to say, when I realized it had been far to long, I went in for a first of what turned out to be many visits to get things squared away from a teeth standpoint. There was a couple of visits for cleanings, a few for cavities and caps. I got the whole nine short of a root canal. Oddly, I enjoyed it. Not in a sadomasochistic way, but just that I knew it was a good thing to do for my mouth's future. There was discomfort, pain, and a monetary piece as well. It did change my behavior. Upon getting myself through this period of reclaiming my overall oral health, I find that I am flossing more and doing better things for my choppers.

We need to pay ourselves a visit often. Take the x-rays that reveal where we truly need a cleaning, a hole filled, or some overall replacing of things. I believe that if we do this, honestly, and on an ongoing basis, we can receive transformational change. And in turn have a big effect on the impulse of our thoughts, words, actions, and reactions.

Now I still visit the dentist on a regular basis, and have recently found that I have a couple of cavities. And during my self examination, the cleanings continue...

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

This Than or This

In raising two boys I have many times tried the reward system to encourage good behavior, decisions or choices. The if you do this than you can technique. This has proven effective in many cases, not so effective in others. Part of me really believes there should be no reward system as a lot of things simply are the right thing to do. And I want my boys to learn that we don't necessarily do something so we can get something, or gain permission to do something, or stave off any unwanted outcome.

I am fortunate enough to work with a team of folks who have spent the last two days reexamining how, what, and why we do what we do as a professional group. It has driven fruitful conversation about motivators. When thinking about professional environments, we typically look at a reward and goal system. If we do this than we will achieve High Sales, Profit, Recognition, Relationship, Promotion, Time Off, etc..

But what about us? How much of what we do is reward or result driven—solely reward or result driven. Or to stave off an unwanted outcome.

What if we took a this only approach? Not only in our professional lives, but more importantly in our personal lives.
  • This is active
  • This concentrates on how I do things
  • This is rooted in why I do things
  • This is grounded in belief, faith, compassion and restoration
Moreover, selfless. This is what I will do and this is how I will do it. I am not talking vocation or activity, but more energy and spirit.

What if we could all take this approach and not only blur any lines between the personal and professional, but decide we'd let outcomes rest out of our own hands. Trusting in God to deliver whatever outcome He deemed appropriate, or right. What sort of impact could we have?

Risky, yes. Exciting, definitely. Easy, no. Can I do this?

Psalm 37:5 states "Commit your way to the LORD; trust in him and He will do this"

Monday, November 8, 2010

Brand New Day

I can't remember what the brand was (Total®?) that had the jingle when I was growing up that sung "Today is the first day of the rest of your life.". Perhaps that has been around for a long time, or someone really significant coined it, but I recall it from a commercial.

My wife and I had been attending a class centered around Soul Health. This was an interesting class which was facilitated (see 10/18 post) by an older fellow. This guy had a sweet spirit, and a grace about him—white hair, and a twinkle in his eye (think santa, not as fat, no beard, in a yellow sweater and khaki's). Certainly he'd done some tough, strong, "man stuff" through some wartime experience, but this guy now was something warm and gentle. He commented one morning "Though our bodies are decaying, our inner man is renewed everyday." You could sense that there was a genuineness to him saying this. You could also sense a childlike joy emitting from this older guy.

Now I have had many Monday morning diet, New Year's smoke quits, I'll start working out tomorrows, I'll pray mores, I'll do whatevers, to understand the decay piece as well as the desire to be renewed. My problem is that I tend to take renewal into my own hands.

C.S. Lewis tweeted (well, not C.S. doing the tweeting, but someone on his behalf) that "I am sure God keeps no one waiting unless He sees that it is good for them to wait". Now God must be saddened as we try to "do life" on our own without him. But I also imagine that, at times, He may have slight fatherly smile on his face, watching his children struggle, thinking "they'll see". This patience on God's part is a component in our learning and renewing process. And He'll let us struggle and fail on our own.*

We need to remember that our days become renewed when we stop our own self-management and Seek Ye First (Matt6:33), and allow the Lord to Restore our Souls (Psalm 23). I just wish I did more of this as I all to often keep my own hands tightly gripped on life's reigns.

*Certainly, in this world, struggle and failure won't cease as we rely on God, but there will be peace and joy amidst the struggle and our end game is assured.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Rally On!

Had the wonderful privilege to attend Rally Foundation's Benefit Bash last Thursday night. The event raises awareness and funding for childhood cancer research. The party was great, the food was wonderful, Atlanta's own Sweetwater brews were available (an added benefit—pun intended), Atlanta Brave Brian McCann and his wife Ashely were hosts, folks were extremely generous, but what stole the show was Lily Anderson, the guest Rally Kid and solid tumor fighter, singing Mylie Cyrus' The Climb.

Enjoy it here.

Visit for more information on Rally Kids, the Foundation, and how you can help!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The Vote Bloat

I voted this morning. This is always an interesting situation to be in. Standing in line with my fellow citizens and making the decisions on who will represent us and be our voice. Additionally, trying to make sense of a few amendments from my yellow practice ballot. There were a few at the front of the line in a pretty boisterous conversation as to the state of the country and who's fault it was. And there were others who (myself included) just stood in line to wait our turn. I was seventh. I have now done my civic duty/participated in a glorious opportunity/joined the system/made some ignorant decisions/toed the party line/boldly entrusted some new leadership/hoped for change/or whatever.

A friend posted as his Facebook status the question is voting a Privilege or Duty. I guess it could be both. Or certainly more. However, in this day and age Politics and Voting have probably veered way past the Privilege/Duty rhealm. The big business of Fox News and CNN and the blood-thirsty and overly passionate yelling which goes on nightly has taken away my joy of the vote.

Additionally, this thirst/passion has worked its way into society and you can have those who've thrown in the towel having been so frustrated with government in general. And the "Look at me I voted and I am wearing this sticker to let you know that I voted and you should to and if you don't you are unamerican and should be ashamed of yourself".*

Does this loudness really get in the way of our true Privileges or Duties as people. Our Privileges and Duties to love. Our Privileges and Duties to give. Our Privileges and Duties to serve. Our Privileges and Duties to honor.You cannot legislate this stuff. And we try. One side will say that if you take money away, than people will have less to give. The other will say that if you don't take money away, people will hoard it. Both of which may be true. But this may take our focus off our neighbors both next door, and across the globe.

Now I am not for some sort of Utopian, "let's hope we can all love and care for each other and there is no need for government" sort of thing. But I do believe we could all think and act more along those lines. Not to an endgame. But we should consider how each each of us individually participate in loving and caring—how we use our privileges and duties.

We cannot entirely get there here and now. The Bible makes it evident that this earth will pass away (Matt 24:34-36). And we should not expect a government or election to cure us. Ever. But we each have a role to play. 1 John 2:9 states "Anyone who claims to be in the light but hates a brother or sister is still in the darkness." Let's all take a look inward this election day. Hold the mirror up to ourselves, vs. the microscope to others.

A bit long today, but there's a lot on my mind about this stuff. Hope it makes sense.

*Clearly I have categorized some groups here, but my main thinking is that we all can get so bloated in ourselves, and in the positions we take that we lose the ability to hear, care and serve. Certainly there are folks who do a darn good job of navigating the ideological and social arenas in special and unique ways which are beneficial to society as a whole and are an example to others.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Unfollow Unclutter

I need to do some purging of my Twitter and Facebook accounts. Maybe I am just old, but personally I don't have the attention span or desire to monitor all the updates, insights or general self-indulgences. I expressed some feelings a little while back (Social Medium) (Filling the White Space) about Twitter and social media in and of itself, but I have found I just can't keep up with all the noise, and need to keep to that is not a part of the clutter.*

I do really like and use Twitter. The 140 character limit causes one to pare down communication quite nicely. And when used well from a content/pace standpoint, can really have impact—or cause a good laugh (thank you, Conan).

A bit of my blog inspiration has launched from a few well-tweeted words. And, I guess in a quasi-hypocritical manner, I can sometimes take these words and create a long-winded diatribe of my own.

So if you find yourself unfriended, blocked, unfollowed, or whatever, it is simply because I can't keep up. Or there are too many words. Or the pace is too frequent. My 43-year-old body and mind can only take in so much.

*Clearly I am speaking to my own individual noise equivalent and clutter. Of course with Twitter/Facebook we can individualize to suit your own desires, needs, and wants. However, sometimes we can get sucked in a bit deeper that we ought. Enough said...I don't want to get started...