Monday, October 18, 2010

Moving Things Along

My wife and I started a new study series at our church yesterday. Its in a classroom setting. Lots of chairs facing the front. A guy standing at a small podium in front of a whiteboard. There was a handout which had the guy up front's name and had his title as "facilitator". Not teacher, or leader. He's not standing up there teaching us, reading from his script. Just ensuring that things move along. And that there is some structure towards an end game.

I am a designer. People are salesmen, mechanics, housewives, teachers, students. I think I'd rather my vocation, or even a non-professional moniker be "facilitator". Perhaps we should all move ourselves to be facilitators. Folks who ensure that things are moving along with some sort of structure. Providing some sort of cross-pollination throughout our lives that has us assisting the process of thought, word and deed*.

I think often times I/we can see our "time at the podium" as a time to lead, teach or make our mark. And we don't see opportunities for facilitation. If we could all be so in tune to recognize cross-pollination or facilitation opportunities—particularly when action is required—maybe we'd lead more robust lives and impact more people.

*Of course that which is facilitated towards could be positive or negative.

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