Saturday, June 25, 2011

Who's the Boss

I was in a conversation with a friend yesterday and we were discussing that there are things everyone either believes in or hopes for or knows (or doesn't know). And that we choose which things that have authority over us. (Now, I am not talking cops and scientific laws, etc.) As a matter of fact, if we so allow, there can be many authorities in our lives. Authorities can take the form of our neighbors, our circumstance, our boss, our reputation, our addiction, our self-sufficiency, our faith, our pastor, our children, our spouse, you name it.*

Authorities are in charge. They have power. They reign over our thoughts, words, and deeds. But we define for ourselves to whom we give authority on any given day. I have heard kids shout "You're not the boss of me!" to an annoying older brother or friend who has told them to do something. Clearly these kids have determined who is NOT in charge. I have also heard things like "I am NOT going to let this cancer beat me!" or "They're not gonna tell me what I can and cannot do." or  "I'm not gonna let them talk to me that way" and various forms of "Oh no you didn't."

Things happen to us. Job loss. Illness. Financial distress. Family issues. An incapacitated car. A seemingly slighted reputation. And we clearly can't control a lot of this stuff. But do these have authority over us?

I believe (or I guess, personally give authority to) that there is a God which governs over all and has absolute authority. And even so, He has chosen to allow us to choose our own authorities. Nice of Him.

I guess it would be easy for me to say that I would proclaim "He has authority over my cancer" when I don't have the disease. However, I have had hardships (job issues, financial woes, addictions, a miscarriage, personal issues of all sorts) and have chosen God to have authority over them. It hasn't taken away all of the pain and struggles. But I have put Him in charge. And I am confident in His authority. I pray I continue to do so—it is my choice after all.

Who or what is/are the authorities in your life?

*Obviously we need to recognize position and respond accordingly. For example, I am not gonna tell my boss "you have no control over me or what I do", while he may not, I am going to honor his position.

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