Yesterday I wrote about specific roles in relationships, but I wanted to remind myself that all the defining and understanding of roles is almost pointless if we are not acting in that role. This is not role-playing wherein I would essentially pretend, but moreover role-fulfilling. I spoke of genuineness yesterday. Relationships are truly genuine when you can see the fruit from a fulfilled role.
For example. When discussing things like behavior, respect and boundaries with my sons, often times I hear "okay", "I will", "I understand". Now these words all to often prove a bit hollow—or not genuine. As I have heard them before. However, if I hear these words (or even better, if I don't) and I see the behavior, respect and boundaries play out—see the fruit itself, I can see that it truly is a right relationship. And roles are being fulfilled.
The same holds true with my relationship with God. Now, God loves relationship. He makes them. He fulfills them. He enjoys them. Scripture is clear about this—The LORD God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.” I need to continuously check my genuineness of my relationship with God. And see if I see fruit. If I don't, I am not in my role of the relationship.
We can't get comfortable in our roles. That is not as God intended relationship. We can find comfort in relationships, but we gotta be careful not to get too comfortable. Too much comfort is not from God. Our relationships must have activity and momentum—our world craves this. Each must be lived out with intention to truly receive the reward (whatever that looks like) intended.
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