Andy Stanley tweeted (or retweeted) the other day "What if God doesn't owe us an explanation? What if He God?"
What if we surrendered our rights. Our right to know why God does things. Our right to think we deserve this or that. Our right to determine our roles.
Romans 9:12 states, "Does not the potter have the right to make out of the same lump of clay some pottery for noble purposes and some for common use?" Am I okay with that? What if I am of "common use". Clearly I'd like to be one of the noble ones. And additionally, would I like to have "purpose", or just "use".
As an adjective, and according to, "common" is defined as follows: 1) belonging equally to, or shared alike by, two or more or all in question 2) pertaining or belonging equally to an entire community, nation or culture 3) joint; united. 4) lacking rank, station, distinction, etc.; unexceptional; ordinary
Servants are common folk, right? Yet, we know when we've experience uncommon service.
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