Thursday, July 1, 2010

Close But Far

Last night I was at my first born's swim meet. These are pretty chaotic, noisy, sweaty events where children ranging from what seems like four through about eighteen swim across a pool, all the while mom's, dad's and kids are yelling at them. While I am aware these are screams of encouragement, sometimes it just seems like a herd of cats. So there I am, eating a burger, watching the swimmers, admittedly enjoying myself amidst the chaos, and a dear friend of mine is in the ER.

There are so many occasions where we are going about our daily lives unaware, or at least removed from the major life occurrences of our friends, colleagues, even our fellow man. We are aware of global injustice, AIDs, abuse, as well as folks close to us battling life-threatening disease, joblessness, etc. While there is SO much of this we have no control over, we can make an impact. Be it in international awareness, local movements, or simply being available to others, it is our duty to keep our antennae up to opportunities. Not necessarily some hippie sign-waving thing (unless of course that is appropriate), but just to be there to encourage, or to give of yourself.

My folks spent some time in Uganda working with an orphanage and school. While there, they were struck by the poverty and living conditions of the Ugandans. They were moved to want to sell their possessions, or at least pare way down. One of their Ugandan hosts shared his thoughts on that. He said something like, You live in your culture, not ours, it is okay to live in your culture.

We can't experience things for others, or take away life experiences (or tragedies) from others. BUT we can act, love, serve, encourage, pray, be available. THAT we can choose to do.

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