Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Waiting Room

It's been said in sports that a good defense beats a good offense. Perhaps their is no better defense than patience. Sometimes sitting back, quietly and patiently, and taking what could be perceived as a loss can prove victorious. Particularly in the area of parenting.

I recall coming home for a first break from college,I sat at the dinner table with the family and ranted about something or other as if I, a seasoned college student and young adult, had all the answers—had life figured out. I am sure that my folks sat there, quietly, and thought (perhaps shared between the two of them later that evening) he'll see. Dictionary.com defines a patient as a "person or thing that undergoes an action". As a parent, we often undergo a lot of actions.

Now I am a talker, and oftentimes find it difficult to sit quietly. You know, Fire, Ready, Aim. Certainly patience is a virtue both inside and outside of parenthood. Oftentimes in many personal and professional instances, I wish I would undergo more actions without worry, voicing an opinion, or reaction.

Proverbs 19:11 states "A man's wisdom gives him patience; it is to his glory to overlook an offense."

Yes, patience is for sure a virtue. And it matures with age. Use it or lose it.

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