Saturday, December 22, 2012

Dear Wormwood

My Dearest Wormwood,

I must commend you for the work you are doing. You've distracted many from some of Our Father Below's greatest work. Now they are grumbling about "why" this so called tragedy has occurred. They are arguing amongst themselves, searching for places to put the blame. They blame their government, their laws, their entertainment, their family units, and even the makeup of their minds. And many have now lost sight of Our Father's activity almost entirely. Unfortunately I have also seen many turn to the enemy for mere comfort, and some actually believe they are receiving it. This cannot happen, Wormwood. Shame on you.

That said, you are recovering well as you have refocused many to this holiday season and its crowds, spending, and gift hoarding, instead of the celebration of our enemy's coming in this laughingly human form to supposedly save them. Those you've refocused away from the "tragedy" will easily fall into your plan of laziness and selfish inactivity.

I must forewarn you however that there will be some of their leaders in the buildings in which they meet who will claim the untruth of this silly savior. Be sure and occupy the congregants minds on visiting relatives, the gifts which help them to better their neighbors, and feeling bad about the drunken behavior they displayed at their holiday get-togethers. I'd rather them feel guilty, than special in this season.

In addition, be sure you continue to fuel the ongoing argument many have as to the existence of our enemy. This is a powerful discussion to leverage as many will be distracted to feel they must defend their beliefs rather than stand firm in them.

Don't mess this up, Wormwood. Our Father would not be pleased. These are important times.

Your Deviant Uncle, Screwtape

NOTE: This evil which reared its horrible face in Newtown on December 14th caused me to consider CS Lewis' Screwtape Letters. Its been a while since I've read it, but a lot of the conversation surrounding the Sandy Hook killings brought Screwtape's letters to mind. And how he may have written his nephew. I hope I've done it justice. My apologies to CS. May we continue to pray for the community of Newtown and the family and friends of all affected.

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