Tuesday, May 18, 2010

American Idiot?

A while ago, I was having a conversation with a friend about American Idol. I recall there was a contestant (though her name slips me) who was always very happy. Smiling and agreeing with Simon, Paula (yes, that long ago), and Randy whenever there was constructive criticism. She had an of attitude of joy and everything's gonna be okay and I'll chalk this as a learning experience. I don't know why, but this annoyed me. In speaking with my neighbor, I was taken aback at my I'm over her happiness vibe. Holy smokes, what an idiot I can be.

Our culture today is so permeated with negative or slacker humor-driven that we are so used to celebrating others misfortune and we lose sight of the wonderfulness of good. The continued influence of the web, YouTube and other viral activity only strengthens this celebration. You don't have to go very far to see mocking parody, or joy in another's pain online—or on TV for that matter. Innocently enough, I get a kick out of watching the flubs on America's Funniest Home Videos, but I can also see myself in a not-so-positive light when the humor in others misfortune and sometimes even the annoyance I can feel towards the others gain so easily gets the best of me. This is so wrong (with the exception of a Red Sox loss).

When you really think about it, it is amazing at what annoys us. The next time you're annoyed, dig into the "why". Really look at it. Is it because it's not fair? They don't deserve it? Or are you/we just so infiltrated by our culture that it just annoys us?

Let me start today looking for the good, debating the "bad", and checking my progress over the course of the day.

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