Monday, May 17, 2010

Stay Out of the Way

I think as parents we try so hard to figure our kids out. I mean, both of my boys are so uniquely different, and I suppose it is only natural that I look at each and envision what they will become and what I can try to shape them toward.

Certainly there are fundamental things we need to instill in our kids. Right and wrong. Kindness. Faith. Selflessness. And others. But I am not talking about this sort of raising/training. I am talking about crafting them to be something I myself envision.

Throughout my kids lives, they have surprised me. Even at their young ages I've seen tremendous changes in their attitudes, talents, efforts, and personalities. Why is it then that I continue to craft or change them into something they may not be created to be. Who am I to cast that vision.

I was having a conversation with my wife the other morning, and through the discussion I realized that I had to ask myself "what right do I have in this". I believe God has created and will shape these guys into exactly as He's intended. I just need to do my best to train them and stay out of God's way. Also providing they'll allow God to grow and influence themselves.

Throughout my own life, I have been amazed at how God has built me—even much differently than I'd intended or imagined. And the unexpected vehicles He's used to do so. Therefore, let me stay out of His way when it comes to my kids. Not to be unsuitably uninvolved as a dad, but suitably allowing God to have the lead.

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