Saturday, November 13, 2010

Open Wide

Clearly there are many things which can influence our behavior. And additionally a link between our behavior and impulse reactions.
  • What occupies our thoughts?
  • What do we consider when we steal our heads away from the noise of society and media?
  • What are the influences in our decision making?
If we answer these quickly and authentically, it can paint a snapshot of how we respond, converse, or behave.

We need to examine ourselves often. To be inward focused. I am not talking selfishness. But honestly looking at ourselves and and seeing what truly motivates us, and how those motivators express themselves and are lived out. Lived out in the things we say. The things we own. The things we do with our time. The things we do with our money. Perhaps self examination is an exercise we should all perform frequently. All too often we don't. It can be like going to the dentist.

I went through a long period of time during and post college where I'd neglected my dental visits. Needless to say, when I realized it had been far to long, I went in for a first of what turned out to be many visits to get things squared away from a teeth standpoint. There was a couple of visits for cleanings, a few for cavities and caps. I got the whole nine short of a root canal. Oddly, I enjoyed it. Not in a sadomasochistic way, but just that I knew it was a good thing to do for my mouth's future. There was discomfort, pain, and a monetary piece as well. It did change my behavior. Upon getting myself through this period of reclaiming my overall oral health, I find that I am flossing more and doing better things for my choppers.

We need to pay ourselves a visit often. Take the x-rays that reveal where we truly need a cleaning, a hole filled, or some overall replacing of things. I believe that if we do this, honestly, and on an ongoing basis, we can receive transformational change. And in turn have a big effect on the impulse of our thoughts, words, actions, and reactions.

Now I still visit the dentist on a regular basis, and have recently found that I have a couple of cavities. And during my self examination, the cleanings continue...

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