Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The Vote Bloat

I voted this morning. This is always an interesting situation to be in. Standing in line with my fellow citizens and making the decisions on who will represent us and be our voice. Additionally, trying to make sense of a few amendments from my yellow practice ballot. There were a few at the front of the line in a pretty boisterous conversation as to the state of the country and who's fault it was. And there were others who (myself included) just stood in line to wait our turn. I was seventh. I have now done my civic duty/participated in a glorious opportunity/joined the system/made some ignorant decisions/toed the party line/boldly entrusted some new leadership/hoped for change/or whatever.

A friend posted as his Facebook status the question is voting a Privilege or Duty. I guess it could be both. Or certainly more. However, in this day and age Politics and Voting have probably veered way past the Privilege/Duty rhealm. The big business of Fox News and CNN and the blood-thirsty and overly passionate yelling which goes on nightly has taken away my joy of the vote.

Additionally, this thirst/passion has worked its way into society and you can have those who've thrown in the towel having been so frustrated with government in general. And the "Look at me I voted and I am wearing this sticker to let you know that I voted and you should to and if you don't you are unamerican and should be ashamed of yourself".*

Does this loudness really get in the way of our true Privileges or Duties as people. Our Privileges and Duties to love. Our Privileges and Duties to give. Our Privileges and Duties to serve. Our Privileges and Duties to honor.You cannot legislate this stuff. And we try. One side will say that if you take money away, than people will have less to give. The other will say that if you don't take money away, people will hoard it. Both of which may be true. But this may take our focus off our neighbors both next door, and across the globe.

Now I am not for some sort of Utopian, "let's hope we can all love and care for each other and there is no need for government" sort of thing. But I do believe we could all think and act more along those lines. Not to an endgame. But we should consider how each each of us individually participate in loving and caring—how we use our privileges and duties.

We cannot entirely get there here and now. The Bible makes it evident that this earth will pass away (Matt 24:34-36). And we should not expect a government or election to cure us. Ever. But we each have a role to play. 1 John 2:9 states "Anyone who claims to be in the light but hates a brother or sister is still in the darkness." Let's all take a look inward this election day. Hold the mirror up to ourselves, vs. the microscope to others.

A bit long today, but there's a lot on my mind about this stuff. Hope it makes sense.

*Clearly I have categorized some groups here, but my main thinking is that we all can get so bloated in ourselves, and in the positions we take that we lose the ability to hear, care and serve. Certainly there are folks who do a darn good job of navigating the ideological and social arenas in special and unique ways which are beneficial to society as a whole and are an example to others.

1 comment:

  1. I voted by absentee ballot, could you pick me up a "I voted sticker."
