Monday, November 1, 2010

Unfollow Unclutter

I need to do some purging of my Twitter and Facebook accounts. Maybe I am just old, but personally I don't have the attention span or desire to monitor all the updates, insights or general self-indulgences. I expressed some feelings a little while back (Social Medium) (Filling the White Space) about Twitter and social media in and of itself, but I have found I just can't keep up with all the noise, and need to keep to that is not a part of the clutter.*

I do really like and use Twitter. The 140 character limit causes one to pare down communication quite nicely. And when used well from a content/pace standpoint, can really have impact—or cause a good laugh (thank you, Conan).

A bit of my blog inspiration has launched from a few well-tweeted words. And, I guess in a quasi-hypocritical manner, I can sometimes take these words and create a long-winded diatribe of my own.

So if you find yourself unfriended, blocked, unfollowed, or whatever, it is simply because I can't keep up. Or there are too many words. Or the pace is too frequent. My 43-year-old body and mind can only take in so much.

*Clearly I am speaking to my own individual noise equivalent and clutter. Of course with Twitter/Facebook we can individualize to suit your own desires, needs, and wants. However, sometimes we can get sucked in a bit deeper that we ought. Enough said...I don't want to get started...

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