Thursday, March 25, 2010

Hiding the Hoard

I am sure a lot of you have seen the A&E show Hoarders. This show is pretty fascinating. My wife and I were watching last night, and they shared the story of an Atlanta-based Hoarder (let's call her Ingrid). It was so intriguing. There was a portion of the show where they showed Ingrid piddling around outside her home, which had a few items scattered about. But when she lifted her garage door, there was, from floor to ceiling, tons of just stuff. Ingrid is starting to get concerned that the neighbors may call the authorities and she could lose her home. When the camera's brought us inside her home, it was an absolutely piled upon piled mess. Her water was off so her bathroom was now storage. The corner of Ingrid's bed, where she only has room to sit and sleep had about 5 strands of fly paper hanging above it. Her hoard was becoming too big to hide, and Ingrid is dramatically affected by it.

Another story: I had the privilege a few years ago to take a trip to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico for a pseudo retreat with a group of about 12 guys. A couple of guys organize these retreats to bring men together, away from their work, their responsibilities and family, and allow them a break, some recreation, beer and food, and fun —all the while engaging in deep conversation and spirit-lead relationship.

One of the things the organizers like to do is, when pairing bunkmates for this trip, is to match up some interesting duos. Well mine (let's call him Ralph) was a traditional, pretty straight laced, multi-vitamin pack per meal eating, athlete. A big fit guy. Well, if you know me, I'm not.

When we went to our rooms, Ralph introduced himself to me sharing his wife and kids rundown and that he does something athletics-driven for a vocation. I said "Hello, I am Rick. I have a wife and two boys. And I am gonna be the one who drinks too much, swears to much, and may make a fool of myself". To which he replied "I hide all my sin on the inside" I LOVE Ralph for that. For a guy who "hides his sin on the inside" that is pretty freaking transparent. Ralph and I got along really well, and had an amazing time.

Ralph essentially admitted to me that he was a Hoarder. Not the stuff kind, but the inner-stuff kind. The sin we don't want anyone to see or know about. We all hoard stuff. Its just what do we do with it. Do we:
  • Deny it
  • Over expose it
  • Bury it
  • Fight with it
  • Strategically confess and repent
  • Truly confess and repent

Regardless, it has to be dealt with. God requires us to be nimble and available to serve—which we cannot do if we keep all this stuff hoarded up. Through Christ's death on the cross, he has provided the change agent through which to rid ourselves as well as manage all the stuff. Its just up to us to accept it. And He asks us to accept it daily. Moment by moment.

If we don't, we most likely will end up like Ingrid. Becoming overwhelmed and unable to manage the hoard alone. Concerned the neighbors may discover the secret.

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