Friday, March 5, 2010

Why I Am

There's a great new song by the Dave Matthews band (well, its been out for about a year, but in the grand scheme, its kind of new), called "Why I Am". Its a good song. A bit more conventionally upbeat for some of Dave's stuff and has a nice positive sound. I am not really sure as to why Dave is (I think its something about a Gru Grux King), but it got me thinking. How often have we asked ourselves, or considered the proverbial pre-saved question of "Why am I here". Typically this is the self introspection which can lead to a relationship with the Lord. A more interesting question is "Why I am". Not really a question at all, I guess. This is a statement. Certainly one from someone who has come to a conclusion.

As I consider why I am, it was evident yesterday. Yesterday was a tough one. The work load is heavy. Very heavy. And I am putting some long days in. Anyway, yesterday some of my past self-questioning as to where I am valid, what do others think of me, etc. came to roost. My pal Clark had once shared with me that sometimes there are things in the past which have rightfully left your "nest" may every now and again come back to roost. We need to (with God's help) recognize these, and recognize why we are—or Why I Am. It is important to have "Clark's" in your life. People who we have transparent relationships with. People who know us. Really know us. People who can unintentionally remind us why we are.

Let me tell you why I am. I am here to glorify the living God, and His Son, Jesus, through the influence and wisdom of the Holy Spirit. If I can remember this (which I try to). If I can remember this often (which I often don't) . If I can remember this moment by moment (very cool when I do). Then the "why" will be forefront. And the ripple of the "why" will be allowed to more freely happen. And we'll see more of it. And be encouraged by it.

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