Thursday, March 4, 2010

Am I a Blogger?

This is my third entry. I consider myself a "creative". My job is "creative". My thoughts are "creative". My spiritual walk is "creative" (or at least not process driven and über traditional—probably more to come on this in future entries I suppose.). People tell me I can talk a lot. Not mindlessly, mind you. Just a bunch. I like to talk. I like to converse. I like to dig deep into dialogue. Sometimes I like to write. I have always had a great respect for copywriters—their wit, targeted communication, and frankly, their lack of grammatical mistakes and typos. Honestly, I am gonna try to see if I can keep up this talking...err writing....err blogging. If I can, I may invite others to join in. Or read. This may require me to utilize Twitter, or Facebook, or some other social media outlet that my 42 years have been trying to get my arms around. I mean, Facebook is fun and all, (connecting with folks I haven't, or most likely wouldn't have kept in touch with) but is hard to fit in to the day. So, will I blog? Time will tell.

1 comment:

  1. Having known you a long time (42 years or so), I can honestly say that you have always been this way, but the gift is now beginning to come to fruition. The first thing you wrote that blew me away was about you and Susan before your wedding. Thad read it at the ceremony. The internal discussions you have with the Lord are coming out! Good perspective, and a good way to express deeper things in a natural way. Kind of the way Jesus did it!
