Saturday, March 20, 2010

Change Agents

As I've been thinking about change, something hit me this morning. When we change it can be for better or for worse. Change typically involves behaving one way, and changing to another. Or being something and changing to something else.

Culturally, we except certain changes. Flabby to Fit. Uneducated to Educated. Unkind to Kind. Bread to Toast. But of deeper or provocative things, who determines what is an appropriate or "good" change. Or what is an unwise or a "bad" change. Typically it is one or a combination from this list: ourselves; our culture, our peers; our counselors; our family; our God.

But in our heart of hearts, during those 3 am self-analysis thought sessions, or those over a glass of wine connections with a spouse or friend, we discover who truly determines why we change. This is where we examine our own "List". And look at the authenticity and authority we place on our own "Listees".

I am fortunate enough to be married to a very wise wife. I can be a seat-of-the-pants decision guy. This is just the way I am wired ("I'm all for it!" or "Okay I think I'd like to do that—lets")... and I can just talk a lot. My wife knows me, and patiently allows for my wiring to play out and run its course. Typically she will let me be me, then, fortunately for me and with great timing, will provide a sense of caution, a watch out, or a have you considered. Don't get me wrong, she is a blast—not some fuddy-duddy. She just has a keen sense for others, how they feel, and is a big fan of the underdog. She is a great help and partner. And I love her dearly.

There is also the authority of the Bible which will, through the wisdom of the Holy Spirit, let us know what truly is good change or bad change. I have been reading Proverbs and there is a lot of the wise and foolish thing—the righteous or unrighteous. Amid some imagery, it is pretty darn clear as to what God deems good and bad. In the first chapter is states "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline."

I am easily influenced. I need to fear the Lord. And I need to consistently communicate my wife.

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